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Part ii skills day 19 July ’08

We awoke to mixed weather this Saturday. Near our house it was clear, but as we headed up the old freeway towards the Eagle Mountain Bike Park it started to look a bit grimmer, and the wind picked up, so we decided to set-up the tent and all our challenges down in the quarry to give ourselves some protection. This ended up being a really good move, as even here our tent was trying to fly away!


This week we had 6 participants keen to learn more- Ted, Sarah, Marty, Anna, David and Michelle had all tackled our first course previously, in some cases only two weeks previously!


The move to the quarry suddenly gave me more options to add obstacles to my challenge course, but then this was an advanced course, so I felt it was only fair to add ditches, muddy bumps and puddles in to test everyone. So The day started off with the traditional “Escapegoat Obstacle Challenge” but with a twist!


Once everyone was warmed up, we starting working on some new skills. The idea was to take the skills learnt on the previous course to attempt more difficult skills, and pretty soon everyone was using their manualing skills to perform drop-offs, and their rear-wheel lifting to get up step-ups.


Then it was time to head up the top to test out our berm-riding abilities, and look at high speed cornering. At this point the sun even came out! A fun hour was spent sessioning a number of berms, with varying results!


Then it was time for a well earned lunch and cup of tea! After a break we headed off for a bit of proper riding. The idea was to attempt sessioning a number of obstacles and difficult trails to use what we had learnt to overcome these obstacles.


Firstly there was a tricky climb, and then a few logs and rocks to challenge everyone.


Then Luckily we just had time to finish the ride and get back to the tent and cars before it started raining again!

Thanks to everyone for making it such a fun course to run. We both hope you got plenty out of it, and have things to go away and practise! We hope to see you out on the trails soon!


The rest of the photos from the day can be found here!



Part I skills day 5 July ’08 Previous Article Girls Day 16 August Next Article