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Part I skills day 5 July ’08


Saturday was certainly cold, but at least it started off clear.

This week we had Sarah, Ted, Anna, David, Annette and PY out and on the bikes.


Luckily the morning stayed clear, and we were able to get out and about the park and get some good riding in. Some of the guys were totally new to the trails, but all took to the trails quickly.


It was only over Lunch that the weather turned and it was a bit wetter, but never enough to dampen the spirits. It just meant we needed another tea break!

Then after lunch it was time for everyone to try to perfect their skills. Pretty soon everyone was popping manuals and trying rear-wheel lifts.


The day ended with a few games and another go at our obstacle course.


We hope everyone enjoyed the day, and we look forward to seeing many of you on a Part II course soon!

The rest of the days photos are here!

Ian & Deborah.

Part II skills day 21 June ’08 Previous Article Part ii skills day 19 July ’08 Next Article