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Part I skills day 31/5/08

Well, the weather was great, and it was another awesome day!


This weeks adventurers were Brendon, Jason, Matt, Paul, Darren and Patricia.

As is normally the case, the day started off we a quick go at the Escapegoat obstacle course, and then it was time to head off around the park to have bit of a play, and perfect braking techniques, gearing and riding the bike well.


We even had our resident crash-test-dummy, as Matt had decided he needed to test out a few of the escape routes on some of the corners. But later Paul thought he would try to outdo Matt, with a fairly nifty move over the handlebars at lunch! Luckily everyone survived! And then it was time to attack lunch, and a coffee! 


Then, after lunch it was time to perfect some wheel-lifts and other skills, and then a quick few games and tests, before  a quick stop to test Deborah’s Apple Studel cake, and then having another go at the obstacle course….


Then, of course it was time have a bit of a play on the see-saws……!



Thanks guys, it was a great day! We look forward to seeing you on a Part II day soon!

The rest of the photos from the day can be found here!!!


Ian & Deb.

Girls Part I skills 3 May ’08 Previous Article Fat Tyre Festival 2008 Next Article