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Part I skills day 30/08/08

Winter can’t go on forever, can it? Well, for the forth time in a row it was a slightly damp skills day. But, it was great to see it did not ‘dampen’ anyone’s enthusiasm!


This week it was the turn of Julian, Ryan, Rachel, Vanessa, Tony and Ben to test out their cycling abilities AND their waterproofs!


As it was a little windy too we set up in the shelter of the quarry to warm up on the challenge course, before going off around the park to try some of our little challenges!


Then, after lunch it was time to start lifting those wheels! Ben and Ryan were battling each other to pull off the longest manual, any everyone battled to lift their rear wheel without their cleats!


Luckily it was not until the end of the day that it really started to get wet and grim, with the clouds and rain closing in just as we practised our trackstands. But at least everyone was keen to have a final crack at the challenge course one last time.


Thanks for making it a great day guys. Sorry the photos didn’t come out better!

More photos can be found here!!




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