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Riders Needed!

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OK, first up, before anyone asks, Billy, our goat guide from our last email is still waiting for his license to run our goat-powered tours- this may have to wait until next April 1st….

However, there are a couple of things we need asistance with! Riders needed in the next few weeks!

First up, we are putting together a team to take part in the Kona Dirty weekend, being held at Fox Creek THIS WEEKEND 16/17 April 2011 by BikeSA and SAMBA. We currently are ONE RIDER SHORT to join our 4 person 24 hour team. So, if spending up to 6 hours of the weekend riding around Fox Creek (including night laps) sounds fun, then drop us a line!

Secondly, we are filming a short segment for ‘Postcards’ on Wednesday 20 April in the morning, and could do with a few vollies to act as extras/tour guests! Exact details of the day will depend on Channel 9, but if that sounds interesting again drop us a line! Hopefully we can manage the full ride from the summit, as well as visit the Cleland wildlife park and more!

Finally, we hav had to do a little juggling around with our Skills training sessions. New dates are:-

  • Saturday May 14- Core skills
  • Saturday May 28- Intermediate Skills part 1.

For full details and to sign up, check out our website here!

OK, that’s all for now. we hope to see you out on the trails soon!


Ian, Deborah and Charlotte.

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