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Review- NZO Dobies baggy shorts

 OK, baggy bike shorts rule. No, we are not lycra clad roadies, we are muddy dirty mountain bikers. Comfortable shorts are the go. Yes, if you are an XC whippet racing in the world champs, feel free to wear lycra knicks, but if you are a regular mountain biker baggies make a lot more sense. They are more comfortable, and way more respectable when you rock up to the pub after your ride. For me I need a comfortable pair of shorts I can wear all-day every-day, on and off the bike, driving the van, cleaning and fixing bikes- the whole lot.

We’ve really liked the NZO shorts for a while now- way back around 7 years ago I grabbed a few pairs of their old shorts from an online store at a super-cheap special, and they lasted me 4 or 5 years. Not really good for business I guess!


Deb modelling the girls NZO Scuffers!

Anyway, a few years back when we started running trips to Rotorua, we got in contact with Gaz at NZO to get some tops and shorts done- just at about the same time all my old shorts had finally died- perfect timing! For the last 18 months then I have been riding almost entirely in the NZO dobies. At $109 they are not cheap, but they are definitely the most comfortable and long-lasting shorts I have ever had. I have 2 pairs that I have rotated and worn almost consistently, and both pairs still look new.


The construction is great, and the mix of hard wearing material and more stretchy material at the back and waist works really well. They are loose and baggy, without being too baggy, so moving around on the bike is never an issue.

I normally ride with separate liners underneath the shorts, for added comfort. However the Dobies do have a bit of padding already built into the ‘important’ areas. So, when it is really warm it’s actually way more comfortable to skip the liners and go ‘commando’. It’s really rather liberating!


There are other versions available, and Deborah loves her Scuffer girls design shorts, which again are a really good fit. The men’s Sifters are a similar short, without the padding and with a more conventional button up waist- the Dobies use a pull-tie, which may seem rather old-school, but just works for a perfect fit every time.

So there you go- check out the NZO baggies, we really do believe they are the best out there- plus Gaz if a jolly nice guy for a kiwi!


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