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Movember Social Ride

Well, it was a lovely day up at Fox Creek! So, at 10am on Sunday our group of intrepid riders were raring to go!! And it was all for charity, well kind of!


Ted, Sarah, Adrian, Daniel, Bruno, Pina, David, Anna, Naomi and Julian all turned up for a little riding and fun.



First off, it was time for a bit of a warm up and so we ducked into the pines, before heading out into the native veg to ride around the centre. And once we got to a rocky section it was time to have a crack at riding a few tricky sections.




After that we had a little bit of an explore on a few new trails that had been cropping up around the place. And then it was time to check and see if Deb’s baking was still up to scratch- the fact no brownies were left after morning tea suggested it was!!!



Then, after a quick informative chat about men’s health (thanks Sarah & Ted 😉  ) it was time for the second bit of riding, and we thought we’d try something a bit more challenging. Everyone seemed to enjoy the ride DOWN Fox Fast, with all the berms and jumps and fun that was to be had. However I suspect the ride back UP the hill was less popular!!!




Then, whilst we were waiting at the top of the hill, Bruno suggested he would like to have a proper go at the log jump. Well, it was at that point that Daniel and Adrian decided it was time to show their dad who were the bike champs! And pretty soon both of them were performing excellent jumps whilst we all watched and wondered were they got their energy. Ahh, the youth of today……




Then it was time to head back, after a very successful morning of riding.


Thanks for making it such a fun day. And the good news was that we managed to add another $250 to my MOVEMBER fund raising, bringing my total to $587. Not bad for looking stupid for a few weeks 😉


All the photos can be found here!!

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