Goats, Goats, and more Goats!
Hi <<First Name>>
Firstly, apologies for the random incomplete email earlier…. must be a lack of sleep….. 😉
Well, it has been a while, and we have had a load going on, including travelling overseas, and having babies! July was spent in the French Alps, on our Alpine Epic. To say it was an awesome trip would be a significant understatement. Check out our updated page for some photos and a stack of videos we put together. Let us know if you are keen to come along next year!
But that was then, and this is now! Moving forward, we have a few different trips and skills sessions on in the next few months:-
We are continuing to offer our Lofty Descents and Hills Vines and Wines tours during the week, and can offer other riding and guiding options too, whenever you need. Bucks days, corporate days, private events, and much more…..! We can even produce HD videos of the events now, too!
Then, as we get to November, we have a Flinders Ranges By Bike tour running from 12-17 November. Come and ride trails not normally opened to riders, in the stunning Flinders and Melrose, and leave the navigation, transport and catering to us! But be quick, we only have a few spots left on this, as the trip is limited to 6 guests only.
And that is probably enough for this time. Although we’d also both like to announce the arrival of a new not-so-silent member to our Escapegoat Family business- Charlotte Lily Fehler was born on 18 July 2010. We hope it will be no time until she is out bossing everyone around and showing how to pull off perfect trackstands!
See you all out on the trails soon!
Ian & Deborah.
