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May 23 ’09 Day ii


And another day ii comes around! It’s great to see so many of our friends coming back to tackle the second part of our course!

The weather was a little iffy to start with, and it was certainly blustery, so much so that we didn’t risk putting up the Escapegoat tent this time, for fear of it blowing away…….


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It was a good group this week, with Nick, John, John, Dave, Denny and Helen all raring to go. Plus Anna came along to brush up some of her skills before heading off with us to the Alps for our European trip- thanks also to Dave for coming along and taking some great shots! If there is a good shot in the gallery it’s probably one of Dave’s 😉 


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As is customery the day started off with a quick warm-up, before tackling drop-offs and step-ups. Then it was off to the berms!


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Then, after a quick bite to eat, it was time to head off around the park to session a few of the more tricky parts of the park, to focus on technical climbs, and also to try out a few of the other tricks we had learnt….


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some parts were easier than others….. 😉


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But it was a good bit of fun none the less!!!


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So, we had a great day, and I hope you guys did too!


More photos can be found here…… 

Thanks again to David Rough for providing the additional shots…..

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